— Stephen King has confirmed his faith in the popularity of internet publishing. Fans flocked to his website Monday as soon as the first installment of his new novel “The Plant” was posted. An amazing 78% abided by the honor system and actually paid the $1 download fee. – Inside.com

  • THE HORROR: “King is one of about 25 fiction writers capable of pulling off this sort of thing: He has a substantial, loyal fan base; he has developed a solid relationship with his readers through his Web site and various fan organs; and he writes the kind of fiction that’s really, really hard to stop reading once you start.” – Salon
  • NOT QUITE THE MONSTER: “‘The Plant’ is a story recycled, in part, from a manuscript begun in the 1980s. Despite a flurry of interest from the press, it hasn’t received much publicity. And at its current rate of sales, it remains to be seen whether the book will prove very profitable for any of the parties involved.” – Variety