Jesse Ventura explains his position on the arts in an upcoming March Playboy mag interview sequel: The government shouldn’t be funding arts. “if a person wants to be an artist and is struggling financially, then they should support themselves by waiting tables. If you’re going to ask the government to subsidize artists, then you might as well subsidize stock car racers, too,” he adds. New York Daily News


A millennial eve concert in Greenwich starring Simply Red, The Eurythmics, and Bryan Ferry and the London Symphony Orchestra is saved by trained ferrets who pulled electrical sound and lighting cables through tunnels beneath the stage BBC


Ten years ago the Alvin Ailey Dance Company was in the red. A decade into Judith Jamison’s direction, now it’s got the largest budget of any modern dance company and popular and critical success. “I don’t think there’s any doubt that Judy is the principal reason that Ailey is one of the few modern-dance companies that’s survived the death of its founder,” says Ailey board president Henry McGee. – New York Magazine