New Theatre Initiative Moves From Arena Stage To Emerson College

“In a boost to Emerson College’s ambitions to be a force in theater, the two leaders of the American Voices New Play Institute – an influential national player in conversations and research about playwriting – will move next year from Arena Stage in Washington to become part of ArtsEmerson, the Boston college’s two-year-old theater programming arm.”

Big Disruption In Book Industry In 2011 (Much More To Come)

“E-books now account for about 20% of the market — more than double a year ago. An even bigger surge is expected this week and next month, with people unwrapping their new e-readers and tablets. In the next few years, e-books are likely to match print sales and eventually overtake them. For readers, books have never been more accessible or plentiful. But no one is sure what it means for traditional publishers, authors and bookstores.”

This Year Commercial Intellectual Property Trumped Civil Liberties

In 2011 lawmakers — Democrats and Republicans alike — turned a blind eye to important civil liberties issues, including Patriot Act reform, and instead paid heed to the content industry’s desires to stop piracy. “Any civil liberties agenda was a complete non-starter with Congress and the Obama administration,” said Cindy Cohn, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s legal director. “They had no interest in finding any balance in civil liberties.”