Investigating LA’s Film Agency

Did the director of the agency set up to facilitate filming projects in Los Angeles “defraud the city and county by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for personal expenses and political donations, some to members of the board that oversees the agency?” That’s what an investigation of the agency currently underay, hopes to find out.

Australia To Investigate National Museum

Is Australia’s National Museum too “politically correct?” The country’s government suspects so, and has appointed an academic to incerstigate and report back. “The review follows a recent decision by the board to reduce the term of museum director Dawn Casey – an Aborigine – to a one-year contract and brings to a head the conflict between the museum’s council and its curatorial staff over the institution’s direction.”

Vintage Sound On Vintage Machines

Melbourne’s Vintage Sound Association is into old recordings. Not CD’s. Nopt even LP’s. “The club, which has 20 members, meets once a month at the South Camberwell Tennis Club to play their old music on their old machines. Some use cylinders, which, before records, were the original sound source. Later examples, the gramophones, often feature the big conical horns, which in the vintage era acted as speakers. Some units have two horns as an early example of ‘stereo’.”