Sergei Polunin’s Rise, Fall, And Return To Dance – And What He Thinks About It Now

This preview of the documentary Dancer gives a good overview of the story of “ballet’s James Dean” – with quotes like this one about his troubled period in London: “At first, I didn’t want to talk to the media, I feel like I was shaken into talking to them, then they became [a sounding board]. … I started using the media as psychiatrists, I guess, they were someone to talk to.”

Why Oscars Season, Like Christmas-Shopping Season, Keeps Getting Earlier And Earlier

“When the early ceremonies give out their awards, often the only people who’ve seen the films are critics, festivalgoers, and (sometimes) their own voting bodies. Are these awards about recognition, or are they about advocacy, or are they about attempting to steer a conversation? Or they, at this point, just about being first?”