The Problem with ESP Research

“[Here] is the dirty secret of anomalous phenomena like telepathy and clairvoyance: They’ve been demonstrated dozens of times, often by reputable scientists [in peer-reviewed studies]. … Why, then, do serious scientists dismiss the possibility of psi? Why do rational people assume that parapsychology is bullshit? Because these exciting results have consistently failed the test of replication.”

New Turkish Action Thriller Could Damage Mideast International Relations

The Valley of the Wolves franchise covers the continuing adventures of “a nationalist undercover agent – Turkey’s answer to James Bond and Rambo – who takes on Turkey’s enemies.” The latest installment, opening in January, sees our hero on a mission of revenge for Israel’s attack of the Gaza flotilla – a plot that could harm already tense relations with Israel.

Why Would Jennifer Homans Declare Ballet Dead?

Claudia LaRocco: “I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the critical impulse to proclaim an art form kaput. I understand it even less bookending a 550-page tome dedicated to that same form. Perhaps it is best seen as a railing against one’s own mortality. Critics age, too, and for some of them the world that helped inspire their creative identity diminishes as they do, replaced by new generations who depart from what they held most dear.”

Jordan’s Number One Source for Banned Books

“At Sami Abu Hossein’s cramped bookstore, the hundred or so book titles listed on a wall aren’t bestsellers. They’re banned. … ‘There are three no-nos,’ the owner of Al Taliya Books explains with a big smile. ‘Sex, politics and religion. Unfortunately, that’s all anyone ever wants to read about’.” (His top seller: The Satanic Verses.)