Gaming YouTube’s Video Rankings

The internet has promised a great liberating democracy of content. “So great has this belief been that the power of user voting has become the central organizing principle of an entire genre of websites such as YouTube and Digg. Well, sometimes newborn democracies become Poland or Argentina and sometimes they become Iraq, and the Web’s system of government suddenly looks precariously balanced between those models.”

Viewers Believe Medical Info On TV Dramas

TV viewers are using dramas to educate themselves. “Science is invading scripts. Disease is increasingly a backdrop to plots. The woes of the nation’s healthcare system are punch lines. Heroic characters have mental diseases or incurable neurological disorders. And behind the scenes, a body of communications research and an eager network of health and policy advocates are working with writers and producers to get the facts right.”

Minimalist Architect Meets Manic Choreographer

Wayne McGregor is “a dance-maker who likes to think outside the traditional box. His keen embrace of science and technology, of pop and cyber culture, has made him one of Britain’s top-ranked choreographers. He’s the shot in the arm for ballet companies seeking the next big thing. So here he is back at the Opera House, home of the Royal Ballet, a company thirsty for new adventures.”