Everything must go

Rightly or wrongly, I’ve come to think of everything that’s occurred since 9/11 as part of “the recent past.” Those events that predate the coming of the twenty-first century, on the other hand, all seem to me to have taken place “a long time ago.” What inspired this train of thought, strangely enough, was the announcement the other day of the bankruptcy of Sears, Roebuck.

Soon It Won’t Be Possible To Spot Fakes – Video, Pictures, Sound… (And Then What?)

We’re rapidly approaching a point where actors will have a new source of revenue. Sooner than later, instead of offering Robert Downey, Jr. $50 million to play Iron Man, the movie studio will offer him a nominal licensing fee to use his likeness applied to an anonymous actor. Sound crazy? As technology improves (and it is improving at an exponential pace), it will become harder for us to discern what is real and what is fake.

British Theatre ‘At Risk’ After Years Of Neglect Is Damaged More By Arson

The Burnley Empire Theatre is on the list of Theatres At Risk in the UK, and might be moving up from its spot at 14th after the fire. But it’s not alone, says an adviser at the Theatres Trust: “Heritage crime is a blight on the historic buildings in the UK and unfortunately it is all too common for empty theatres to be attacked in this way.”