Doris Duke Foundation Announces Major New Arts Funding Initiative

“At a time when the lingering recession has rocked the larger arts community, individual artists have lost essential financial support from both the public and private sector. Duke hopes to fill some of that gap. The program will award 200 individual artists from the fields of contemporary dance, jazz and theatre multi-year cash awards of as much as $275,000. Individuals will be selected through an anonymous peer-review process, not through applications.”

Books: A Business Just Waiting To Go Bankrupt

“As far as I’m concerned, the book business deserves to die if for no other reason than that its business model is something out of the 1930s: send a bunch of loser Willy Lomans out as “reps,” people who don’t read and don’t understand the books they sell, and have them place the books on consignment, just as if they were old chairs that you were trying to unload at the local consignment store.”

Should Museum Walls Be White?

“In the end, as with so much that agitates the curator, this may not matter very much. Art is not interior decoration. What I really want is to be able to see the painting, appropriately lit and without distractions. The best wall colour is drab – a dreary colour that the gallery-goer does not even notice. The colours you should remember are those of the paintings.”