A Salute To America’s Great Industrial Designers

“[The] United States in the first half of the 20th century is where industrial designers went mainstream. They put their stamp on telephones, refrigerators, typewriters, cars, and a variety of mass-produced goods. We are used to famous fashion designers branding otherwise undistinguished products, but these designers were different: They combined bold aesthetics with real engineering know-how.”

‘Middlebrow’ – Is The Word Still An Insult?

David Haglund: “While unabashedly lowbrow art has long ceased to be disreputable, has the term ‘middlebrow’ also lost its sting? It may be a tougher category to rehabilitate: Neither quite one thing or another, ‘middlebrow’ suggests something mushy and unsure of itself – and this in-between-ness evokes status anxiety far more than the art on either extreme of the spectrum.”

In This Day And Age, Should Great Theatre Be Short And Tweet? (Sorry)

Alexandra Coghlan: “We are, as we’re forever being reminded, the iPod generation – restless and easily bored, seeking our fulfilment in snack-size portions. By rights this should be the era of the short play, our theatres filled not with three-hour Shakespeare but with more immediate, quick-fix theatrical highs, and there are signs that things are changing.”

This Museum Likes Having A Painting Alleged To Be Nazi Loot

“For many museums, the prospect of a United States attorney swooping in to seize a painting on loan from a foreign institution on suspicions that it had been looted by the Nazis would be a potential public relations and diplomatic nightmare. For the Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science in Tallahassee, Fla., it has been a fund-raising opportunity.”