Black Museum Trustees, More Ready Than Ever For Institutional Change, Join Forces Formally

They’re tired of tokenism and ready for actual progress, so they’re joining together to become a stronger force. “Often the only Black people on the boards of major museums, these trustees are pooling their efforts to help institutions identify new talent and insist on diverse perspectives to better reflect the communities they serve.” – The New York Times

A Texas Grand Jury Indicts Netflix Over ‘Cuties,’ Showing No Understanding Of The First Amendment

That’s because Texas is, of course, special (in terms of its own laws), but also, perhaps the grand jury didn’t watch the actual film? “The Miller test says that works are protected by the First Amendment if they have what could be characterized as ‘serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value’ when the works were each ‘taken as a whole.'” With Cuties, it would be hard to argue otherwise. – Slate

What ‘Angels In America’ Means During The New Pandemic

The play means something different now than it did a year ago. “The light of Covid-19 turns out to be especially harsh and revealing, turning the play, so concerned with prophecy, into a prophet itself. How, it now seems to ask, can we have squandered in just a few months the decades’ worth of suffering and organizing and scientific advances invested in the struggle against AIDS?” – The New York Times

Has England’s Christmas Panto Season Been Saved?

Most of the holiday-season pantomimes planned for this year were cancelled due to the pandemic: even with lockdowns lifted, the need for socially distanced seating meant too few tickets could be sold to make productions viable. Now comes Britain’s National Lottery to the rescue: “Operation Sleeping Beauty” will see the Lottery buy up tickets for theatres’ empty seats. – BBC