Be Your Own Virtual Karl Rove

A new game called Political Machine Express, available as a free download, lets players run virtual versions of the Obama-Biden vs. McCain-Palin campaign. “Much of the actual political process has made the transition into the game intact: You’ll give speeches, take a stand on a candidate’s real issues and juggle the costs of running a campaign while securing enough attention and support to win.”

Dallas School District Gets Cold Feet Over PBS Documentary

The city’s art teachers were set to use a new curriculum featuring the public TV series art:21-Art in the Twenty-First Century when “some teachers and parents [became] concerned that images they consider too disturbing or sexual for the classroom may be acceptable to some art teachers.” (Among those images are Sally Mann’s photos of her naked children.)

Young Adult Writers Get Political — Together

“Attention political strategists: don’t forget to court the Young Adult (YA) writing community. Author Maureen Johnson started the social networking site YA for Obama after she realized many of her friends from the YA community supported the senator, and thought (in true YA fashion), ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a place where we could write about Obama? And if we invited everyone to join?'”