Curtis Institute Expands Search For New Leader

The prestigious Curtis Institute is widening its search for a new director to include orchestra managers, arts presenters, and a wider swath of school administrators. “Previously, the elite music conservatory had been looking for a leader who was both a strong administrator and a musician with a major performing career – someone in the mold of current Curtis director-president Gary Graffman.”

Cleveland Museum’s Questionable Statue

Is a statue that the Cleveland Museum recently bought stolen? “The museum proudly announced the purchase in June, saying the statue might be the only one among about 20 large bronzes in the world that can be linked to the ancient Greek masters. Now some prominent archaeologists and other critics say the museum should not have bought the work because of the questionable history.”

Hip-hop Goes To Church

Music has always played a role in church. But hip-hop hasn’t penetrated much. Still, “from the church side, a growing number of ministries are adopting both the rhythms and the bluntness of hip-hop culture.” In the New York area alone, at least 150 churches or ministries use hip-hop in some form. These include many storefront churches or campus ministries.”

Libeskind: How Hitchcock Changed My Life

Architect Daniel Libeskind says seeing Hitchcock’s “North By Northwest” changed his life. “Seeing people climb on George Washington’s nose and hang from the eyebrows of Teddy Roosevelt formed my eternal image of America, with all of its grandeur and illusion. Alfred Hitchcock captured me and took me on a journey into the adventure and unimaginable beauty of the sublime American continent. The movie is a testament to the visual power of film.”

A Place For Profile

In the “snail-paced, under-funded world of dance”, the launch of the new Place dance prize choreographic competition has been big news. It was originally the brainchild of John Ashford, director of the Place in London, who for years has been plotting to organise a high-profile prize for the art form. It wasn’t just the cash he was after – ‘though dance is still the Cinderella art form and always needs new money’ – but the recognition.”