Aphorisms: What Are They, Really?

“The modern aphorism may be modelled on the classical, but it adds to the form a degree of self-consciousness about its own power, motion, drive. Above all, the aphorism is a sharp or pointed thing, violently deployed — though this action can never be definitive, but must be repeated time and again.”

‘Existential Sitcoms’ – TV Series Take On The Meaning Of Life

“Comedies that tackle heavy, philosophical matters … have become more common in the past few years. These are funny shows, or at the very least dramedies, that explicitly and consistently explore ethics, spirituality, or what purpose human beings are meant to serve on Earth. Typically, they deal with those earthly issues while placing their characters in heightened, even fantastical situations. The Good Place, which will enter its third season this month, is the gold standard for this type of series. But it is not the only example.”

All Those Tourists In Barcelona Never Check Out The City’s Classical Concerts. This Man Aims To Change That

“We have three great institutions, but they’re all competing against each other for audiences,” [Victor] Medem says. “You can survive doing that locally, but you will never attract an international audience.” So Medem founded Barcelona Obertura, a project to get the city’s classical organizations communicating with each other and cooperating on projects — the first of which will be a major spring festival aimed at visitors and residents alike (and at turning Barcelona into a classical-music destination).

Stripping Away The Trappings Of Art – Why It’s Important

Art is naive. There’s something painfully innocent about the attempt to forge a meaningful statement out of nothing; to stand up in front of people and sing or play or speak with all your heart, knowing you may look foolish, knowing you may spectacularly fail. Our big institutions, the mighty choruses and orchestras and theaters that offer Verdi Requiems and King Lears, generally insulate us and themselves from this kind of failure