Study: For Some, Games Beat TV

A growing number of people say they prefer playing video games to watching TV. The study reports “that 31 percent of the over-18 set preferred the games to TV for whiling away a spare hour. Watching movies at home fared better, with 21 percent choosing games instead, but going to the movie theater did slightly worse with 35 percent.”

Starbucks Blend – A Book In Every Cup?

Excitement in the publishing world that Starbucks would begin offering books with its lattes has calmed somewhat since the coffee company said it would offer first a book that would already have been a best-seller. “Starbucks’ biggest gamble may be that its customers will be willing to buy a book with their daily caffeine fix. According to those involved with the project, however, it’s a natural fit.”

Censor This (Or Not) America’s Ratings System Explained

“The American ratings system is hugely inconsistent. It focuses too much on sexuality and not enough on violence. Their stock response to criticism of the way they operate is that the current system is ‘best for parents’. But the system which is best for parents would be one that gave them real information, not just a letter rating and a description of five or six words.”