Regulator Gives Canadian Cable Viewers Chance To Unbundle Their TV Channels

“The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ruled Friday that consumers should be able to subscribe to individual channels instead of expansive packages, a decision that hints at looser cable-TV subscription models. But there’s a catch – the fewer channels a subscriber signs up for, the more expensive each channel will be.”

Student Finds New Katherine Mansfield Stories – And Stops The Presses

“The discovery – which also includes previously unknown photographs – was made by Chris Mourant, 23, a PhD student at King’s College London. Although in the university’s archives, the material had been overlooked until he spotted its significance. Learning that the University of Edinburgh was to publish the first complete edition of Mansfield’s fiction, he contacted Dr Gerri Kimber, senior lecturer at the University of Northampton and the edition’s co-editor with Vincent O’Sullivan. They were just about to send the first volume to press.”