And What Does Borders’ Demise Mean For Classical CD Fans?

“Borders was never another Tower: You wouldn’t encounter clerks who could reel off their objections to the Penguin Guide‘s picks, … but it still was a store that acknowledged classical music exists. Moreover, Borders was still a big enough player that the chain’s reaction to new releases … really mattered to labels, and certainly affected their print runs of CDs.”

A Call For Global Actors’ Rights

Javier Bardem “called for actors to get the same protection as musicians and writers, including the right to earn money from the use of their performance beyond a film’s original release. He also said he wants movie tickets to be cheaper–that way even would-be pirates go to see a film at the theater once in a while.”

Why Do Movie Tickets Cost So Much In Australia?

“Multiplex cinemas and 3D films can ramp up prices and the Choice study said that if an Australian family of four visited a multiplex-style cinema they would be $67 poorer after paying $18 each for adult tickets and $15.50 for concessions. A family across the ditch in New Zealand would pay only $33 and a family in the US at a similar cinema would pay $38.40.”