London’s Millennial footbridge across the Thames will likely be closed for months while engineers try to correct a problem with severe swaying whilst people are on the structure.  Engineers “concluded the movement was caused by ‘synchronized footfall,’ or hundreds of pedestrians stepping in unison. “I am disappointed, but not ashamed.” – Times of India (AP)

Architect Norman Foster defends London’s “bouncing bridge”, the £18.2 million Millennium Bridge, insisting that its problem had been diagnosed and the solution would be designed, although the structure might remain closed for months. – The Guardian


A new 15-year study in Britain finds that training for ballet dancers not only damages young dancers by pressuring them to become anorexic, but produces “incredibly emotionally immature youngsters who are ill equipped to cope with the complexities of life beyond their narrow, rarefied existence. Low self-esteem is rife in a milieu where no tutors are required to undergo training, and teaching is often archaic.” – The Guardian