How I Bought A Gainsborough On eBay

“Suddenly I was struck by a small thumbnail image; it was billed as An American School Portrait of an Unknown Man. Other than that there was nothing – apart from the guide price of $100 (£62). Something about it jumped out at me, though; it exuded a certain glow that differentiates the work of Gainsborough from his contemporaries.”

What Has Happened To The Art Of Writing About Music?

“Whereas music writing was once the province of a few hundred thousand fans and a handful of writers, usually in specialised magazines, it’s now in the bookshop, the red-top and “quality” press, the blogosphere and beyond. The result too often suggests a very modern combination of abundance and short weight. To put it another way: how is it that writing about music now is everywhere, and yet seems to be nowhere at all?”