In Bad Times, We Need Great Public Spaces

“They aren’t a luxury but an essential natural health service, the ultimate drop-in centre – preventative healthcare that is far cheaper than the NHS, and without a waiting list. Shame then that not only will our vital public spaces be among the first to bear the brunt of the cuts” but they also “seem increasingly restrictive of what you can do in a so-called public space.”

Calif. County Scrambles To Avert Library Disaster

“The rosiest scenario for the struggling library system here is an 83% budget cut, which would force the immediate closure of seven of the 11 1/2 libraries but leave enough money to operate the rest — through December.” The whole system could shutter by month’s end, “making Siskiyou — an area bigger than Connecticut — the only county in California without public libraries.”

How Artists Can Fight Government Funding Cuts

“They should focus on an argument which will be found far more compelling: punish the arts disproportionately and you will bring down upon you the hell of the opinion-forming media, the chattering classes and the urban liberal intelligentsia. Cutting the arts, in other words, can be guaranteed to earn you a lousy press and lose votes – and there’s nothing politicians dread more than that.”