Moscow’s Shukov Radio Tower, Constructivist Landmark, Desperately Needs Restoration

The structure “is in dire condition and may be lost if it is not properly restored soon, according to Vladimir Shukhov, the great-grandson of [its] engineer and architect … The 90-year-old tower is regarded as an architectural masterpiece of the Russian avant-garde and has influenced contemporary architects including Norman Foster.”

Chris Ofili Designs For The Royal Ballet

“[He] comes with a seemingly gold-plated reputation: 1998 Turner prize winner, British representative at the 50th Venice Biennale, paintings held in some of the world’s great collections.” (In the US, he’s mostly remembered for his painting The Holy Virgin Mary, which incorporated elephant dung and photos of genitalia and over which Rudy Giuliani threatened to shut down the Brooklyn Museum.) “But two years ago, when [Ofili] agreed to design a new production for the Royal Ballet, he suffered a flash of paranoia.”

J-Pop, Whose Weirdness Is Now An International Selling Point

“For more than two decades, Western media has highlighted and laughed at Japanese ‘strange’ phenomena, from Gothic Lolita fashion and pre-Tupac hologram pop stars to more deviant subjects.” Now, stars like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (whose videos feature things like floating slices of bread with eyeballs) are cashing in on foreigners’ bemused curiosity.

Edward Albee Shows How To Thoroughly Alienate A Translator

Once Barcelona translator Joan Sellent had completed his translation of A Delicate Balance into Catalan, he received from Albee’s agent “a five-column grid, which was to be filled in with ‘any deviation from the exact English words and the explanation why this couldn’t be directly translated into Spanish [sic], and why the words that were chosen were used’.”