US Museums Scramble As Russia Bans Art Loans

“Russia’s actions are the result of a ruling in a U.S. District Court last summer that Russia must restore a trove of religious books and manuscripts to Chabad, a prominent international ministry based in New York City. Despite a U.S. law and diplomatic assurances to the contrary, Russian officials have said they fear art shipped to American museums could be seized as collateral.”

What, Exactly Are Museums?

“It has become a cliché to say that museums are today’s churches–special places for contemplation, separate from day-to-day concerns; conversely, there’s an argument that museums should aim to be commonplace, part of normal life. It is intriguing that museums were once talked of as places that reinforced cultural hegemonies, but now they are more often seen as democratising access to art.”

Critical Thinking In An Era Of Distraction

“The past 10 years have been a vivid tutorial in the truth of Marshall McLuhan’s phrase, ‘the medium is the message’. The rise of 24/7 pay-TV and the concomitant decline of traditional network news has fragmented the old collective audience. Today disparate groups receive the same news, but filtered through a different angle of the political prism. Web commentary has split these primary colours into a thousand graded hues.”