Breaking The Taboo Against Violent Images In Kids’ Books

“There have been many calls to protect the young from violent images, but it’s not often the opposite case is argued, that there aren’t enough aggressive pictures in children’s books. But award-winning children’s author Ted Dewan is conscientiously putting scenes of mayhem and destruction into his latest book, not drawn by an adult but by the children themselves.” They’re the kind of “scenes of slaughter that many boys like to draw.”

The Reason The Art In Summer Hours Looks Real: It Is

“Summer Hours,” a French film starring Juliette Binoche, “tells the story of a family-owned art collection that must be sold off after the elderly matriarch passes away. In a rare close collaboration between a filmmaker and an art institution, director Olivier Assayas and his crew partnered with the Musée d’Orsay in Paris and several private collectors to locate works ranging from 19th century Barbizon school paintings to rare 20th century furniture.”