Dissing Jerry Springer… Like He Doesn’t Deserve It…

Jerry Springer – The Opera has been getting glowing reviews. But Arnold Wesker writes that the praise isn’t deserved. “I have no religious sensibilities to offend but I do have an intelligence that can be offended. It’s not the poor black actor looking absurd in shit-filled diapers that offends, or the fat lady having no greater ambition than to pole-dance which so obviously is beyond her size and weight; it’s that in both the live Springer show and this celebration of it we are invited not to understand but either to laugh at them – which insults them – or, because they are all rather intimidatingly jolly about their offbeat desires, to laugh with them – which is patronising!”

Whitney Museum Director Resigns

Maxwell Anderson has resigned as director of the Whitney Museum in New York. “Rumors of trouble between Mr. Anderson and the Whitney’s board had been circulating around the gossipy art world for some time. Mr. Anderson said in a statement that it had “become clear in recent months that the board and I have a different sense of the Whitney’s future, in both the scale of its ambitions and the balance of its programming.”