For Criminals, Is Anatomy Destiny?

“A small band of economists has been studying how height, weight and beauty affect the likelihood of committing – or being convicted of – a crime. Looking at records from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, they have found evidence that shorter men are 20 to 30 percent more likely to end up in prison than their taller counterparts, and that obesity and physical attractiveness are linked to crime.”

Adrift In A Sea Of Dreadful Writing

“[A]wful books have always been with us, but nowadays a specimen of unkempt, puffed-up prose or stumbling, lugubrious verse doesn’t even need to make it past an editor or publisher to glide slimily into the awareness of the unsuspecting public. … Bad writing can serve as a lesson of one kind or another, but can it ever be recycled into something approximating art?”

Glee Creator Wants Newsweek Boycott Over ‘Bigoted Piece’

Ryan Murphy calls an online piece about gay actors playing straight characters “as misguided as it is shocking and hurtful,” partly because the author “is himself gay. But what is the most shocking of all is that Newsweek went ahead and published such a blatantly homophobic article in the first place…and has remained silent in the face of ongoing (and justified) criticism.”