Zhou Weihui’s book “Shanghai Baby” has sold perhaps 100,000 copies in China, making it something of a hit. But Zhou’s publisher has now had the page proofs and all of the books in stock destroyed, saying that the novel is “in poor taste and that Ms. Zhou, 27, was too outlandish.” State media are denouncing Zhou as “decadent, debauched and a slave of foreign culture” and thousands of copies of the book are being destroyed even while the book seems to have found an audience.  – New York Times


A big $5.5 million funding boost from the federal government has enabled Adelaide’s South Australian State Opera company to announce plans for Australia’s first-ever homegrown production of Wagner’s “Ring” cycle. “We are doing it one-off, the whole thing, so it is a massive undertaking.”- The Age (Melbourne)


— will likely begin to fall now that the FTC has banned minimum-pricing laws. Minimum pricing rules were enacted several years ago because “mammoth discount chains such as Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy and Circuit City were selling CDs at prices lower than those found at music-specialty retail chains such as Music-land and Tower Records.” Independents say doing away with the rules will hurt them. – Variety


Time art critic Robert Hughes may have won his court battle, beating reckless driving charges in Australia yesterday. But he sure blew it in the court of public opinion. “With a phalanx of cameras surrounding him, the New York-based art critic rose from his wheelchair, limped down the steps of the historic courthouse, and launched a broadside at those in the other car involved in the accident, describing all three as ‘low-life scum’. And after making several jibes about the ‘curry-munching’ crown prosecutor Lloyd Rayney’s Indian background, Hughes accused him of being overzealous in his bid to score points by aiming for a high-profile scalp.” – Sydney Morning Herald