Incompetence, Politics Plague Ground Zero

“The master plan for ground zero is unraveling, which is not necessarily bad news. But what are the odds that planners will see this as an opportunity to save it? The discovery that the Freedom Tower will have to be redesigned to address concerns raised by security experts has once again sent architects scurrying to patch up one of the most muddled developments in the city’s recent memory… These are not simply errors in judgment. They are byproducts of the mix of secrecy, self-interest and paranoia that have enveloped the site from the outset – a climate that favors political expediency and empty symbolic gestures over thoughtful urban planning discussions.”

The Man Who Wants PBS To Be More Republican

The new chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is aggressively pushing PBS to provide more conservative political voices in its programming, citing what he believes is years of “liberal bias” in news programs and documentary series. PBS’s outgoing president is firing back, accusing CPB of interfering with the network in an inappropriate way. Others have noted that the new chairman appears to be driven by an obsessive and “vehement dislike of journalist Bill Moyers,” who recently left PBS, and that he actually hired outside consultants to monitor the political leanings of guests on Moyers’s news/interview program, Now.