The Artisans Behind The Artists

“Plagiarism and authorship are prickly topics, particularly in the fine arts. If an artist does not physically make his or her own work, then what does that mean for the nature of art, and for the status of the artist? What is the difference between the person who conceives of the work, and the person who crafts it; between artist and an artisan? Is it helpful to distinguish art from craft?”

Struggling Arts Organizations’ Biggest Handicap Is – Labor Unions?

Terry Teachout: “High-culture unions that fight to hang on to an untenable status quo are shooting themselves in the head. Labor leaders invariably respond to managerial cries of disaster-around-the-corner by arguing that their members should not be made to suffer today for the managerial mistakes of the past. But in the end, it doesn’t matter who made the first blunder.”

The Worst (Or Best) Of Royal Wedding Merchandise

There are porcelain plates, both sincere (a pattern at once garish and genteel in that peculiarly English way) and sardonic (plain white with the words “It should have been me”). There are pre-packaged pies and commemorative sick bags, coffee mugs and shot glasses. And there are specially branded prophylactics (“Crown Jewels – condoms of distinction”).