Movie critic Roger Ebert knows all the hype about e-books, but it doesn’t matter. “Let’s assume ClearType looks terrific and that Microsoft makes good on its prediction that by 2010 its e-books will weigh 8 ounces, run for 24 hours, and hold as many as a million titles. Do I want one? No. I treasure my books with a voluptuous regard.” – ZDNet


Italian tax officials are after Luciano Pavarotti again.  Three months after the 64-year-old singer – reportedly worth £300m – agreed to pay £1.6 million in back taxes in 36 monthly installments, the Italians want another £3 million in taxes they say the tenor avoided paying by claiming Monaco as his permanent residence. – BBC 


There is no other 20th-century painter quite like Balthus. At the age of 92 he still paints, still in his own way, as always, resolutely ignoring the art-isms of his time – “I was never interested in other modern painters because I had my painting, which preoccupied my mind more than anything else.” – Financial Times


Thieves are literally chiseling off the heads of statues at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat, built some 1000 years ago. The trade in international cultural artifacts is hot – an epidemic that is irreparably ruining some of the world’s cultural treasures. – CNN


  • Does putting art on the internet change the meaning of art? Students at Berkeley and Sonoma State Universities are posting and critiquing art to explore how the medium changes the process of art. “We are using the Net as our medium instead of print.” – Wired


There is no other 20th-century painter quite like Balthus. At the age of 92 he still paints, still in his own way, as always, resolutely ignoring the art-isms of his time – “I was never interested in other modern painters because I had my painting, which preoccupied my mind more than anything else.” – Financial Times