To Rate Video Games – It Takes A Computer

“Starting on Monday the ratings board plans to begin introducing computers to the job of deciding whether a game is appropriate for Everyone, for Teens or for Mature gamers (meaning older than 16). To do this the organization has written a program designed to replicate the ingrained cultural norms and predilections of the everyday American consumer, at least when it comes to what is appropriate for children and what isn’t.”

Canadian Arts Prizes Go AWOL

“The Canada Prizes for the Arts and Creativity was part of the 2009 Conservative budget but not a single prize or a single penny has been handed out. Backed by the founders of Toronto’s Luminato Festival, along with the National Ballet School’s Jeff Melanson, the prizes were to be bestowed on top international artists in various disciplines at the Toronto festival.”

Ostracized NY Museum Prepares To Come Back To Life

“Life as a cultural pariah ended in October when the museum directors suspended their sanctions in recognition of the National Academy Museum actions toward better financial planning and management. And now it is preparing to reopen its complex, on Fifth Avenue and 89th Street, in September with a reconstituted board, increased financial oversight and an interior refashioned by a $3.5 million renovation.”

Australians Battle Over Indigenous Art

“Five years after The Australian reported on claims of unscrupulous behaviour in Aboriginal art, prompting a Senate inquiry under the Howard government, the industry remains divided and the market has lost ground despite government efforts to regulate the sector. Several galleries have been forced to close and long-running disputes have deepened between art centres and dealers.”