Philadelphia Orchestra’s Bankruptcy Cost Triple

“When the Philadelphia Orchestra filed for Chapter 11 last spring, its leaders said the reorganization would cost $2.9 million in legal and administrative fees, and they predicted the orchestra would be out of bankruptcy in the latter part of 2011. The legal tab now looks likely to be triple that initial estimate, and the case is entering its second year.”

Scientists Develop Software To Spot Spam Reviews

“Signature giveaways often included timing: spamming groups often file their ‘reviews’ in quick bursts, the researchers say. And as the spammers are often briefed by a contracting agency working for a rival (for bad reviews) or the product maker/hotel/restaurant (for good reviews) each cod reviewer falls into the trap of using very similar language.”

As Kraftwerk Wraps Up Its MoMA Residency, What Does It All Mean?

“By now Mr. Hütter is used to Kraftwerk being acknowledged as a prototype. Its riffs are foundations of songs by performers from the rapper Afrika Bambaataa to Coldplay. ‘We’re not so interested in possession. We are more interested in participating,’ Mr. Hütter said. ‘We’re sending out. Certain of these ideas are radio waves. We’re the antenna catching information, the transmitter giving information, back and forth.'”