Learning To Love Wikipedia?

“The English version of Wikipedia has over 2 million articles, and it has been translated into over 250 languages. It has become so massive that you can type virtually any noun into a search engine and the first link will be to a Wikipedia page. A generation of students was warned away from this information siren, but we know as professors that it is the first place they go to start a research project…”

Actor Jules Dassin, 96

His Naked City (1948) was one of the first police dramas shot on location. He was forced to leave the US in the 1950s after being blacklisted because he had joined the Communist Party in his youth. “I was one of the lucky ones. I was only unemployed five years … others never worked again.”

U2 Concert Deal – An Indicator Of Where The Music Business Is Heading

“U2 have signed a 12-year deal with the world’s biggest concert promoter, Live Nation, to handle the band’s merchandising, digital and branding rights. The contracts indicate the direction in which the music industry is heading. As income from CD sales declines and pirate downloads eat up profits, artists are starting to realise that the money lies in touring and merchandising.”