Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini, And Spiritualism

“The dozen or so letters and scraps of free-written scrawl were from Conan Doyle and Houdini’s brief but spectacular relationship, one that was founded on and destroyed by a shared interest in the possibility of contacting people in the afterlife. … Their missives are debates over the nature of Spiritualism, examining the ways that psychics could be snookering their audiences.”

Stand-Up Comics Turn To Web-Only Material

“A handful of top-tier performers” – among them Louis C.K., Aziz Ansari and Jim Gaffigan – “have begun producing stand-up specials on their own, posting them online and selling them directly through their personal Web sites … While this straight-to-the-Internet strategy is far from ubiquitous in stand-up, it is already having a profound impact on the comedy landscape.”

Human Rights In Facebookistan

“Sovereignty and power are shifting. Before the internet, these notions were controlled by nation states. But companies like Facebook are the sovereigns of cyberspace. Facebook exercises power by shaping the way you interact with the world … [but it is] setting rules that are ultimately based on commercial considerations, not on the rights and civil liberties of users.”

Publisher: Gender Bias In Book Publishing Is Complicated

“I would like to publish more women, but the fact is that I will be publishing more books by men than by women. Of the books I have been offered, these are just the better books. So that’s a shocker. And no, I am not going to turn down a great book by a man just because he’s a man. Nor am I going to publish a book by a woman just because she’s a woman. It is – it has to be – the work that counts.”