Why We Don’t See Tech In TV Shows

“Think about the last time you saw someone on TV check their email, use a laptop or read something on their cellphone. Compare that to the last time you saw somebody in real world do the same. Quite a difference, right? The easy reason why we don’t see it is because producers think that people watching screens at home think it’s boring to see people looking at screens.”

Toronto Librarians Go On Strike

“Our members are already struggling to get enough hours together to make a living …. and now on top of it they’re facing a further threat of layoffs. We cannot bring back to our membership an agreement to be ratified that would allow over 50 per cent of them to be laid off, in case in 2013 if the city wants to close libraries.”

Got A Military Memoir? Now’s The Time To Publish – And Sell

“Readers have been snapping up the books, eager to get a glimpse behind the fog of war and ready to embrace stories that accentuate heroism instead of the often dreary developments reported in daily news accounts. Seeing some of these books rise to the top of best-seller lists, publishers are rushing to sign up similar titles, to be released in the next year.”