Seeing Berlin’s History In Its Street Names

“The city is full of streets and squares named after Beethoven (five of them), Bach (four), Wagner, Schubert, Schönberg, Schiller, Lessing, Schopenhauer, Fichte, Hegel. … And Berlin also uses street names as atonement for the crimes of history: hence Jesse-Owens-Allee, Hannah-Arendt-Strasse, Ben-Gurion-Strasse and a platz named after the great critic Walter Benjamin.”

What Exactly Is The Cleveland Orchestra’s Critic-In-Residence Doing? (Not Criticizing)

“Despite his resounding title, Mr. Fernandez is not a critic in the ordinary sense of the word. His blog … is an online magazine that runs feature pieces about the orchestra and its activities in Miami. In addition, Mr. Fernandez invites concertgoers to post their own thoughts on the orchestra’s performances.”