Jean Giraud, A.K.A. Moebius the Great Comics Artist, 73

The artist “was a bit player in Hollywood and a superstar of the page and canvas. The subtle paradox that tugs at the eye of his audience is that everything portrayed — the landscapes, denizens, technologies and even physics — is totally alien but also completely unified in presentation and rendered with the confident precision of a surveyor who has walked every inch of a property.”

A Contemporary Choreographer Moves On

“Since founding the Australian dance company Chunky Move in 1995, [Gideon] Obarzanek has consistently pushed the boundaries of how contemporary dance can be viewed and understood through mining his omnivorous interests in theater, film, visual art, science and technology.” But now he’s handing over Chunky Move. Why?

Author Elizabeth Strout Doesn’t Slam Social Media, But …

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Olive Kitteridge says fiction “can remove us from the whirlwind, give us another rhythm and the chance to be more contemplative. At least I see it in that way. There is so much ‘stuff’ now. And more. And more and more coming at us in all directions. To an extent, that can’t be helped, but it is nice to have it slowed down.”