Why Do Novelists Have A Problem With Sex?

“When novelists try to make their sex scenes literary, when they try to orchestrate each moan and groan into the book, wasting all that time trying to create the perfect scene, trying to make it seem believable, they fail miserably. The literary approach to writing a decent, believable sex scene is the most embarrassing thing about contemporary literary fiction today.”

Why Hollywood Is Flunking The Digital Age

“To succeed in the digital realm, Hollywood needs to offer total convenience, almost infinite choice, and the freedom to watch any way we want. Instead, we have iTunes, which delivers video you can’t watch on any portable device that wasn’t made by Apple, and Amazon Unbox and Netflix’s Watch Instantly, which feature downloads you can’t watch on any device that was made by Apple.”

A First Look At New Still Museum

Leaders of Denver’s new Clyfford Still Museum unveil architect Brad Cloepfil’s plans for the new museum. “It’s not about about the building as an object,” he said. “It’s not about the building as a form. But it’s about what we hope is a series of spaces that provide moments for introspection and repose.”

The Millstone Of Rich People Who Love The Arts

“In today’s climate, if you’re looking to appoint someone to lead an arts organisation, you will be looking for a candidate… whose address book was stuffed with friends and contacts who have inherited large fortunes or made a killing in the City, and are now ready to show some largesse towards the arts. It’s a circle that is pretty near impossible to square.”