Let’s Hear It For Democracy … Via The E-Book?

“The power to create great books and the power to distribute great books is transferring to the author. Just a few years ago, publishers controlled the printing press and they controlled access to retail distribution. So if you couldn’t get your book printed and you couldn’t get it distributed, you’d never reach readers. But today, the printing press is completely democratized.”

You Think Hollywood Loves Itself, But What You See Is Actually Self-Loathing

“The Oscar nominees may not be just a demonstration of a sudden burst of nostalgia. They may be a demonstration of the self-contempt of an industry that is finally tired of itself and of the movies that have defined it for two decades. This doesn’t mean that they will retreat from teenage blockbusters. It just means that they are using the Oscars to stage a small protest against the sorts of movies they feel we the audience sadistically forces them to make.”

The Backlash To Frank Gehry – And His Response

“According to the art critic Hal Foster, Gehry’s Walt Disney concert hall in Los Angeles is a ‘media logo’ and his style of architecture is a ‘winning formula’ for ‘any corporate entity that desires to be perceived, through an instant icon, as a global player’. Someone started selling T-shirts saying ‘Fuck Frank Gehry’ (and he bought some).”