Papermaker Might Save History, One Page At A Time

“The notion of a page is being expanded as we speak. I imagine the book going in two directions — one as an art object, printed on paper in small quantities and so expensive only the rich can afford it, and the other as an electronic form that will incorporate still images, animation, a diverse set of links to the open Web and a significant social component.”

A Symphony of Horns – Car Horns, That Is

“New York artist Zefrey Throwell flew in to create the Entropy Symphony, a series of aural interventions around the world that’s included air horns in Berlin and an attempt to get all the guards at the Whitney to use their walkie talkies at once. The Los Angeles edition was an orchestrated movement in five parts of some 1,000 cars across the Southland. Each participant received an mp3 attuned to their car horn and were instructed to honk along with the mp3.”

Books, The Prequel

Not long ago, publishers decried low e-book prices as a scourge on their industry that cannibalized print sales and drove down the value of their products. Some even delayed digital editions for months following a print release to nudge readers toward more expensive hardcover editions. Now, in a strategic shift, some publishers are experimenting with cheap digital “prequels” to help build buzz and snag readers in the months leading up to a splashy print release.