Think Small – Marketing Music After MTV

“It’s an era of shrinking budgets and exploding technology, a time when once-dominant MTV has morphed into reality-show central and the Internet has turned the entire planet into content providers. Size matters when cellphones are viewing screens and labels are staring down bankruptcy and a grass-roots, interactive culture is burgeoning in the music marketplace. Small, for so many reasons, is the new big.”

Are Foreign Voters Changing The Taste Of The Oscars?

“The growth in non-American members of the academy, the 6500-plus invitation-only film industry body charged with voting for the Academy Awards, may just be the reason more story-based, smaller films such as Little Miss Sunshine, Babel, Crash, The Queen and this year, Juno and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, are making their mark on cinema’s big night.”

Detox Lit – The Art Of Abstinence

Meet the growing clique of “hic lit” authors who have forsaken the demon drink and are saving themselves fortunes in therapists’ fees by writing about their travails. Publishers are falling over themselves in the hunt for the next big title in the “painful lives” genre that has so captivated readers since bursting on to the book scene a couple of years ago

Why Your TV Is About To Become Useless

“Any TV viewer who uses an antenna and an aged TV (one lacking a built-in digital receiver) will have to either get a new television or a converter. Why? Because broadcast television – the over-the-air waves you pick up by rabbit ears – is switching formats, and old TV sets won’t handle the new signal. An estimated 70 million of America’s approximated 250 million TV sets fall into this category.”