How Theatres Are Woven Into The Fabric Of Our Lives

“In Pleasance Two, in Edinburgh, I like to sit in the centre of the first row because that’s where I was sitting when I realised with total certainty that I was pregnant with my first child. … As I walk up the steps of the Royal Court, I always recall sitting there weeping for a lost love, who abandoned me for ever at the interval of a show.”

400 Years On, Female Playwright To Be Produced At Globe

Nell “Leyshon is the first known woman to have her work performed at the Globe but, to be fair to the theatre, its operating years have not helped. It opened in 1599 … but it was closed by the Puritans in 1642 and demolished two years later.” It wasn’t until 1997 that “performances began once more at the reconstructed theatre.”

German Lit Scandal – Plagiarism Or Mashup?

Disentangling fact from fiction in a spat that looks like a nasty blog-war is tricky, but it’s clear from the reports I’ve read that Hegemann, a child of the internet age, simply does not understand, or recognise, the charge of plagiarism. To her, coming from the cut-and-paste world of blogs and Facebook, what she’s done is no more than “mixing” (she seems to use the English term, by the way.)