The Scourge Of Muzak File Chapter 11 – So Much For All That

“Muzak was always about more than just music and its core. In the 1940s, Muzak came up with Stimulus Progression, the belief that piped music in the workplace, properly played, could stimulate production. Obviously, true music lovers should look away now, but this quasi-scientific (some might argue pseudo-scientific) theory claimed that an individual’s mood could be lifted through listening to programmed sound in 15-minute segments.”

The YouTube Orchestra Starts To Take Shape

“Online voting begins to select the members of the YouTube Symphony Orchestra, which will perform at Carnegie Hall on April 15 under Michael Tilson Thomas — an ensemble selected entirely from video auditions posted on YouTube, culled by judges in leading symphony orchestras around the world and chosen in part by votes from YouTube viewers. This means you. Since the project was announced on Dec. 1, the YouTube Symphony site has gotten more than 10 million hits, and more than 3,000 video submissions from 70-odd countries.”

Is Movie-Theatre Opera A Risk?

“Thanks largely to the efforts of the Metropolitan Opera, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are seeing live opera performances in movie theaters, and many others in repeat showings. Yet despite the general acclaim for the Met’s innovation, introduced and championed by its general manager, Peter Gelb, a few voices have raised concerns about long-term effects on the art form.”