Battles At Miami City Ballet Over Villella’s (Apparently Forced) Retirement

The company “is being split by controversy over founder and artistic director Edward Villella’s earlier-than-expected retirement, announced last September in a way that shocked company members and the dance world. … [Some] board members, major donors and dancers are questioning the decision and contend he was forced out at the apex of his career.”

Is Education Really A Public Good?

“While higher education is generally regarded as a good (mainly because folks with college degrees make more than folks who lack such degrees), there has been considerable debate in the United States as to whether or not higher education is a public good” (and thus deserving of funding by taxpayers). A look at a few of the arguments pro and con.

America’s Global Blockbusters Are No Longer Set In America

“Last year’s top five had one film, the fourth Twilight, with a US setting; two, if you count the last Transformers, which really belongs to the multimillion-dollar globetrotters that rule the roost now. The new orthodoxy is: if a film is set in America, with strong American themes, the less chance it stands in the new globalised mainstream.”