BBC Trust Says Radio 4 Pays Too Much Attention to America

“BBC Radio 4 was today criticised for its love affair with all things American and warned that it was in danger of losing its appeal to younger listeners. Overall the [news and spoken word] station was given a largely glowing review by the BBC Trust… and received the highest approval rating of any of the corporation’s national services among listeners.”

What Made Humphrey Bogart the Perfect Screen Tough Guy? His Upper-Crust Background

The actor “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, a Holden Caulfieldish wastrel raised on an Edwardian 55-acre estate with its own lake … His stiff patrician bearing was slightly redundant when deployed in the service of patricians, but transplanted into the bodies of toughs, condemned men, and private eyes … the result was a brand of hard-bitten, rueful integrity that fit the times like a glove.”

Settlement Near In Detroit Symphony Strike?

The bargaining session comes on the heels of a new formal contract offer made late last week by management, which has requested a response from the musicians by Friday. While management has not characterized the proposal as a “final offer,” officials have said the strike, which has caused the cancelation of nearly half the season, has reached a critical juncture.