What Seattle’s Arts Museum Needs

The new Seattle Sculpture Park points up what’s lacking in the Seattle Art Museum. “As SAM got over its provincialism and opened its eyes to the bigger world of contemporary art, it turned its back on the local scene. Now, it’s time for the institution to take the next step in its maturation — and that means once again embracing who we are and what distinguishes the region.”

A Brilliant Tokyo Museum Museum (With No Art Of Its Own)

The $289 million National Art Center is a looker. “If the museum looks like a lavish white elephant — another state building project planned in the dark days of the recession to help revive the economy — don’t be fooled. A savvy exhibition strategy, an innovative facility and enjoyable attractions may delight rather than drain the nation’s taxpayers, creating a new Mecca for Tokyo’s avid museum-goers.”

Schwantner – Made In America

Joseph Schwantner has been chosen as the second commissioned composer for the Made in America” project in which 150 orchestras around America jointly commission a piece. “His as yet untitled work will be premiered in fall 2008, by the Reno (NV) Chamber Orchestra. Both Schwantner and [Joan] Tower [the project’s first composer] favor a mostly tonal, and in any case accessible, style of writing.”