You Say New Zealand, I Say Australia

Australia’s Channel Nine is planning to count a New Zealand-produced drama as part of its Australian content quote. Aussie screenwriters are protesting. “After the High Court case the television stations had a tacit agreement that they wouldn’t go with New Zealand drama product. Something has changed. This is a fight for us: if one network gets away with it, what are the others going to do? We will be in the streets in February and March.”

Symphony Lawsuit Worries Arts Lobbyists

Last week, the Kansas City Symphony filed the suit against the state of Missouri, claiming the Legislature has shortchanged the Missouri Arts Council Trust Fund by $83 million since 1987. The organization is seeking to force lawmakers to come up with the funding.” But “nonprofit arts organizations across the state fear the suit may have alienated Governor Matt Blunt, who will make budget announcements Jan. 24.”