The Fantasy Of QAnon (But A Sick One)

“QAnon is a joke. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make its long game of postmodern chaos magick any less dangerous. This is the latest iteration of the lulz agenda, following from the Great Meme War of 2015–16—the alt-right deployment of Pepe the Frog to influence Trump’s election—and the leftist hacktivist Anonymous’s radical trolling operations circa 2008–12 (all offspring of 4chan).” – ArtForum

Virus And Lockdown Will Clear Out ‘A Bit Of Dead Wood’ From The Arts, Says Artist

Grayson Perry: “I think every part of life has probably got a bit of fat that needs trimming, a bit of dead wood. It’s awful that the culture sector has been decimated, but I think some things needed to go. … Too often, the audience for culture is just the people making it — theatres with whole audiences of actors, or exhibitions only put on to impress other curators.” Yes, many arts figures have criticized Perry for this, but some have defended him as well. – BBC

Venice’s Guidelines For New Flood Barrier Will Sacrifice St. Mark’s For Sake Of Container Port

There was huge relief and even some jubilation lat month when, for the first time, Venice’s long-delayed, wildly over-budget contraption for keeping flood tides out of the Venice Lagoon was successfully deployed and the city stayed dry. But new rules say the barrier should be used only when the water level is 103 cm, at which point two-thirds of the old city will be wet. (St. Mark’s gets flooded at 80-85 cm.) Why did the authorities decide this? Read on … – The Art Newspaper

A Recap of Trump’s, Pence’s, Biden’s, And Harris’s Records On the Arts

“The arts, writ large, rarely represent more than a footnote in election discourse (if we’re lucky). … But for those wondering what the election will mean for creative industries specifically, we’ve laid out the candidates’ respective histories with art — their policies, voting records, donations, and more — in a digestible breakdown below.” – Artnet

Milwaukee’s Pabst Theatre Protests COVID Restrictions

Under the current Milwaukee pandemic order, bars and restaurants with approved safety plans are able to bring in any amount of customers as long as they can remain socially distanced inside the business. Bar and restaurant owners told WISN 12 News that usually amounts to about 50% capacity. However, the order only allows 10 people inside art and theater venues, not including staff. WISN (Milwaukee)