Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.15.16

Michael Hersch, 9/11, and the twin towers of light
The way we now live is increasingly unthinkable, with the daily news over the summer carrying accounts of one mass-killing disaster after another. What do you do with that? One answer was to be had at the the Lower East Side venue known as The Spectrum. a tiny, living-room like place … read more
AJBlog: Condemned to Music Published 2016-09-15

Carmen Herrera, 101-Year-Old Overnight Success, Gets Her Whitney Close-Up (with video)
Given her centenarian status, I was astonished by the Whitney Museum’s decision to schedule its Carmen Herrera show to open more than a year after the Whitney had unveiled its new facility. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-09-15
