Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.06.16

Bach’s Brandenburgs: Liberated by The Sebastians?
The world probably wouldn’t be appreciably different had Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos not been discovered sitting on some shelf, possibly unplayed and unexamined, for a century or so after they were finished in 1721. … But the Brandenburg Concertos are so singular in Bach’s output, [and] in the history of concertos, that their impact on audiences was inevitable. … read more
AJBlog: Condemned to Music Published 2016-09-06

Gard Foundation Symposium–Our Communities: Begins Today
Today marks the beginning of The Robert E. Gard Foundation’s gathering … Our Communities: A Symposium on the Arts is a reflection on the state of arts/community connections … Since this is a by-invitation-only event, I have been tasked with keeping the outside world apprised of at least some of the discussions that take place there. … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2016-09-06

Leonard Weinglass, Our ‘Modern Clarence Darrow’
Other defense attorneys may have been more famous – William Kunstler, for example – but radical leftists of a certain age remember the late Leonard Weinglass with special feeling. … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-09-06
