Top Posts From AJBlogs 08.10.16

Who wants performance metrics in the arts?
Today we have a story from The Atlantic on schools and tests  – or, “assessments” – measuring creativity. With all the problems that come with standard testing, who would want such a thing? Well … read more
AJBlog: For What It’s Worth Published 2016-08-10

Ystad: Joe Lovano, The Bohuslän Big Band & Others
As the Rifftides staff flies home, digital magic allows us to continue reporting on highlights of the 2016 Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-08-10

Trump’s Partner in Opera
Last fall I wrote a blog, The Operatic Republican Characters, in which I compared the Republicans seeking their party’s nomination for the Presidency. In it I compared Donald Trump to Dr. Dulcamara … read more
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2016-08-10
